The Third International Horticulture Research Conference was held during October 16 and October 19, 2016 in Nanjing, Jiangsu province. This meeting is sponsored by the key laboratory of horticultural crop biology and germplasm creation in east China of Nanjing agricultural university ministry, undertook by Horticulture Research magazine that published by Nanjing agricultural university and Nature Publishing Group cooperation. The conference is intended to show the latest progress and achievements in horticulture field, and promote exchanges and cooperation between scientific research personnel of plants and horticultural industry at home and abroad. At the same time vigorously promote Horticulture Research magazine and organize high quality manuscripts to improve English academic journal's international influence of our university.

Fig 1. Ding Yan-feng, vice president of Nanjing Agricultural University, is delivering an opening address
The international conference president is professor Hou Xi-lin of Nanjing agricultural university, Dr Cheng Zong-ming, the editor of Horticulture Research magazine, as well as professor of Tennessee university and Nanjing agricultural university, is the union chairman of the conference. Professor Ding Yan-feng, vice-president of Nanjing agricultural university, delivered an opening address, professor Cheng Zong-ming presided over the opening ceremony and introduced recent progress of Horticulture Research magazine. The theme of the conference is "horticultural research", which discussed about genome modification , epigenetic, evolution and big data four topics.

Fig 2. Professor Harry J. Klee, academician of the American Academy of Sciences and Professor of University of Florida, is making an invited report
More than 230 experts and scholars that come from the United States, Britain, France, Italy, China, Sweden and Canada attended this conference, 9 special reports, 11 conference reports, 26 young scientists forum reports and more than 60 wall paper reports were organized in this conference. Harry J. Klee, academician of the American Academy of Sciences and professor of the university of Florida, made a detailed review and outlook of molecular breeding guided by tomato genomics based on consumer feedback; Professor Zhu Jian-kang, academician of the American Academy of Sciences, professor of Purdue university and Shanghai life sciences college of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, made conference invited report entitled " the principle and application of gene editing technology "; Li Tian-lai, academician of Chinese Academy of Engineering, professor of Shenyang agricultural university, made the special report entitled " the present development situation and future direction of facility vegetable in China ". The conference report is not only of high quality, but also the rhythm is compact, and the greatest characteristic is specially setting up a young scientists forum, 26 young participant scientists had outstanding performance, shows the latest scientific frontiers in the horticulture field of the world. The conference has also assessed the wall paper, decided two first prizes, four second prizes, six third prizes, and issue certificates and bonuses. At the same time, professor Robert Trigiano, professor of the university of Tennessee in the United States and editor of Critical Review in Plant Science, was also invited in this conference and made lectures about Professional ethics, which was warmly welcomed.

Fig 3. Professor Zhu Jian-kang, academician of the American Academy of Sciences, professor of Purdue university and Shanghai life sciences college of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, is making an invited report

Fig 4. The conference hall
This conference is an academic event about the latest dynamic of scientific research in horticultural field and science frontier, at the same time greatly improved the popularity of our university's English academic journal Horticulture Research in the world. During the meeting, editor Cheng Zong-ming invited to well-known industry experts such as professor Harry Klee of the American Academy of Sciences, professor Luca Comai of university of California at Davis , professor Kenong Xu of Cornell university, professor Cameron Peace of Washington state university many high quality articles, which have played an mutual promotion role between magazine and conference.

Fig 5. Awards ceremony of wall paper assessment
Horticulture Research is an English academic journal cooperated by our university and the Nature Publishing Group (NPG), it is also the NPG's first journal in horticulture field. Horticulture Research was highly concerned in the horticulture field at home and abroad since its launch in January 2014, it has published 91 papers so far, in which foreign articles accounts for 79%. At present the magazine has been included by PubMed Central, DOAJ, ESCI and Scopus database. The international horticulture research conference that is held once a year is a series conference held by them, the first conference was held in 2014 in Nanjing agricultural university, the second was in the university of California at Davis of the United States, the next meeting will be in July of the next year in the UK's East Malling.

Fig 6. photograph of the conference participants